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Travel and Tourism

Travel and tourism… This conjures up images of sunny beaches and lazy afternoons in the sun! And indeed, this is what it is all about! Well, that and the “nitty gritty” of how it all works! Tourism employs over 11% of the world’s workforce, nearly 1 in 9 workers. If we look closer to home in North Devon, the percentage is even higher jumping up to 1 in 5! So yes, it is pretty crucial to understand how it all works! Our BTEC is a vocational course. This means that we look at real life examples to understand exactly what it’s like to work in Travel and Tourism. We have speakers coming into school and we go and visit various service providers. We really want our course to be current and relevant and that’s why we work in close partnerships with local businesses.


Key Stage 4

Units of work, Grouping of students, assessment and expected standards

The Travel and Tourism BTEC is a vocational course. Pupils are continuously assessed as they gather the evidence which goes in their portfolio. There are 5 different units. In order to pass the course, students must pass every unit and must meet every requirement set by the exam board. If a student fails to meet the requirements upon first submission, they are given feedback and an opportunity to improve their work. The full course can be successfully completed at 3 levels: a Pass carries the same points’ equivalent as 2 C grade GCSEs. A Merit carries the same points’ equivalent as 2 B grade GCSEs. A Distinction carries the same points’ equivalent as 2 A grade GCSEs. In order to achieve a Merit or a Distinction overall, students must pass each unit at Merit or Distinction level.


Year 10:

• Unit 1: The UK Travel and Tourism Sector

• Unit 2: Understanding Customer Service in Travel and Tourism

• Unit 3: Understanding the Nature and Effects of World Travel


Year 11:

• Unit 4: Developing Customer Service Skills in Travel and Tourism

• Unit 5: Exploring Marketing in Travel and Tourism


Home Learning Opportunities

As this course is a vocational course, great emphasis is put on independent learning. It is expected that students will be working on their portfolio at home on a weekly basis. Students are given a list of tasks that they must complete in order to pass each unit. They work on these targets at their own pace. Homework is an integral part of the course and will be rewarded by higher attainment overall.

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