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When pupils join us we offer them the highest standards of personal care and individual attention.


“This is a good school. It has many outstanding features, including the excellent care, guidance and support students receive, about which the college judges itself modestly. These excellent features of care lead to some exceptional aspects of students’ personal development.” (OFSTED March 09)


This begins when they join a tutor group, with a member of staff who looks after their welfare and offers guidance and support. The tutor is the first link in the partnership between home and College.

It is their task to ensure not only that children are learning to the best of their ability, but also that they are gaining in confidence and social skills. Each tutor group is part of a House which is led by a Head of House.

The same team of staff will, in most cases, be with the pupils as they move from Year 7 through to Year 11. In this way we try to provide continuing relationships between staff and pupils and between home and College. We believe in building a partnership with parents to ensure that children fulfil their potential as happy, responsible, informed and caring members of the community. The House meets together on a regular basis and takes part in assemblies which are non-denominational in character. You may, if you so wish, withdraw your child from the arrangements for worship but it would be helpful if you could discuss the situation with the Principal before such a decision is made. As well as the immediate pastoral team of Head of House and Group Tutors, the College draws on further specialist help when appropriate. The student Hub provides a multi-agency centre for student support. The services housed here include Head of House offices, educational welfare office, meeting rooms for the use of connexions advisors, drop-in for the Police service, and social services. The school’s First Aider is available to look after the minor injuries which can occur from time to time. If pupils are taken ill during the day, we contact parents whenever possible so that appropriate arrangements can be made.

In our World

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