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Welcome to the Drama Department at Pilton Community College. Drama is an important part of the Curriculum. It has a vital role to play in the personal development of our students. Drama promotes self-esteem, social skills and communication skills.


Alfred Hitchcock once said” Drama is like life with the dull bits cut out”. At Pilton Community College we aim to explore all aspects of Drama to ensure that all of the lessons are exciting and stimulate all students. The skills and qualities developed by students in drama, such as teamwork, creativity, leadership and risk-taking are assets in all subjects and all areas of life.  Students learn to work together by sharing and developing ideas. They also develop performance skills and the ability to speak with confidence. We aim to promote and extend all of these skills to ensure that our students develop as well rounded citizens of the 21st century.


Drama is taught at Key stage three and Key stage four. Drama has a major role in the extra curricular activities offered to students at Pilton Community college. They are able to take part in Drama clubs for years 7, 8 and 9. They can become part of the major school production which is an annual event and enables students from all years to work together. We hold an annual dance and drama day where year 9 students can perform to others within the year group. At Key stage Four students perform all of their assessed work to external audiences. Students are encouraged to take part in Theatre visits and external groups are invited in to the school on a regular basis. There is an annual visit to London to enable Key stage four students to see major west end productions.

Key Stage 3


Units of work, Grouping of students, assessment and expected standards

Year 7

Year 7 lessons take place over three half terms and the following schemes of work take place. Each group will cover three of the following six schemes of work:

Year 8

Lessons take place over three half terms and the following schemes of work  take place. Each group will cover three of the following six schemes of work:

Year 9

There are three half terms of drama which involve, Basic skills work, Melodrama work and/or scripted work or preparation for year 9 Drama day. The three half terms cover:

Key Stage 4

Units of work, Grouping of students, assessment and expected standards

Drama and Theatre Arts

This course is of a practical nature, but it has a 50% written component.  It’s purpose is to promote the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of pupils. Candidates will be expected to respond constructively to a variety of stimuli.  Pupils will also gain a practical understanding of the skills and techniques appropriate to dramatic presentation and be able to apply these. These skills include acting, improvisation research, Theatre in Education, use of scripted materials and devised performances. They will study different dramatic styles and techniques.

During the course students will have regular practical assessments which will involve performances to an audience. They will be expected to practice at lunchtimes and after school.  They will have to be able to learn scripts.  They will need to compare historical and social contexts of different plays and show an awareness of genre.  They must write a 500 word essay after each practical assessment.


The students will HAVE to attend live theatre productions as part of the course. This will incur financial commitment.  Students will also study set texts.  They will have three components in their final written examination:


• Practical work questions

• Study and performance of a scripted play

• Study of a live Theatre production seen


Students will attain their final grade through:

A) Practical assessments made throughout the course which is marked through the process and understanding of skills and the final performances.

B) A final written examination upon their set text, live performances which they have seen and also about their practical work.

Home Learning Opportunities

Homework  for Key stage 3 is set  on a two to three week pattern. It may involve learning of lines rehearsal, research interviewing of  people, observation work etc.

AT key stage 4 students have a log book that they must keep up and which has been made to enable them to answer the questions in the final written examination as well as be able to self reflect. They may also have timed essays to complete as well as long sections of text to learn. Students need to spend time on rehearsal and preparation as they are continually assessed though out the course with a final practical moderation in the Spring of year 11.


Gifted & Talented Opportunities

Gifted and Talented pupils may be identified through teacher assessment completed half termly.


Within lessons students are extended through differentiated grouping. Resources are developed which extend individual gifted and talented pupils. Students are also extended through the performance of ideas within lesson time.


Progress is monitored through half termly assessment and self assessment.  Students are made aware of their progress through staff interviews with students.


Enrichment activities include visits from specialist companies:


• Simon Bell (Physical Theatre –Year 9)

Multi Story Theatre annually (Year 7)

Annual gifted and talented workshop  (Year 8)

Make up artist Sandra Huxtable (Year 10)

Devised Drama Specialist  (Year 10)

Also theatre visits for Years 10 and 11 to London, Torquay and The Queens Theatre as well as local schools.

Year 9 Dance & Drama Day

Performance to local Primary schools for Theatre in Education events

GCSE Dance and Drama Performance Evening

The Annual School Production (Years 7 – 10) allows students to extend their awareness of audience.

 Outstanding pupils referred to Devon Youth Theatre and National Youth Theatre.


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