Topic Planning
Previous learning outcomes have included an informative restaurant, a living museum, a video, an audio recording, and a play. From this, a theme or big question is decided, which leads the learning over either half a term in KS1 or a whole term in KS2. E.g. Would you rather be a cow in North Devon or India? Would you go to war? Can one person change the world? What is the value of the Sunderban? Once a theme or question has been decided, the staff consider what is most meaningful and relevant about this for the children to know, do, think or act. At this stage, the staff will seek the input of other stakeholders and the children. A teacher will attend parent café to gain the opinions of parents, initial ideas will be sent out in the newsletter, and teachers will contact any other external adults or organisations who may be able to offer knowledge or support. The staff use this information to create key questions which will then lead the learning and enable the children to answer the overall big question at the end of the learning journey. Often, a new key question will be asked each week or fortnight. Finally, the relevant subject content is taken from the National Curriculum and is integrated into the overall plan.
When planning a new learning journey, the teaching staff start the planning process several weeks before it will be delivered.
An appropriate learning outcome is first decided within each team. The outcome is chosen specifically to develop certain skills e.g. speaking to an audience.
Year 6
Planning a new learning journey