Supportive learning environment
At Sticklepath School, our expectation is that all children will succeed through our highly inclusive and supportive learning environment built around the philosophy of Growth Mindsets.
We are committed to widening children’s life experiences and creating memorable episodes through a planned approach as part of our rich curriculum. This is particularly important for developing children’s language skills and background knowledge – key for successful learning.

The mastery approach of the New Curriculum embeds this expectation that all pupils will achieve. It is the role of the school to ascertain all children’s prior achievement and ensure they are supported, through scaffolded learning opportunities built on clear next steps and appropriate challenge, to achieve the desired outcomes. All adults working with all pupils including disadvantaged pupils will take every opportunity on a daily basis to build on strengths in learning and tackle any barriers to learning.
What is Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium funding is given to schools by the government with the aim of targeting learning for specific groups of children:
Pupils entitled to Free School Meals (FSM) using the government’s eligibility criteria or those who have been identified for FSM in the past six years (‘Ever 6 FSM’)
Children in Care
Children belonging to Services Families (Service Premium)
The funding is added to the planned expenditure already in place to meet the needs of all children in school, in order for them to make good to outstanding progress in their learning.
In making provision for socially disadvantaged pupils, we recognise that not all pupils who are receipt of Pupil Premium will be socially disadvantaged. We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are in receipt of Pupil Premium. The school is best placed to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any child or groups of children legitimately identified as being in need of intervention and support.
At Sticklepath, approximately 25% of our children are eligible for the Pupil Premium of £1300.
This is in line with the national average. This percentage varies between cohorts of children.
The school writes a termly action plan that clearly identifies how this funding will be spent and the outcomes that will be achieved. This plan is evaluated termly and the outcomes closely monitored by the school Governing Body. A more lengthy evaluation is completed annually.