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The School Day

8.40 am – 3.15 pm for Lower School

8.40 am – 3.20pm for Upper School


Children should arrive at school between 8.40 am and 8.50 am. Parents are responsible for any child who arrives earlier than 8.40 am. Parents of children in Key Stage 1 bring their children into the classrooms in the morning and collect them from outside the classrooms at the end of the day. At Key Stage 2 children enter the school from the back playground. We encourage children to come into class independently from Year 3.

If families need to have a quick word with the teacher, they are available in class from 8.40 or after school. Alternatively, appointments can be made via the school office.

The headteacher or deputy headteacher are generally available before and after school.


Children have 15 minutes play break during the morning and a 10 minute exercise break. The Lower school also have a break of 15 minutes in the afternoon.



All children at Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free school dinner. Children can bring a
packed lunch or purchase a school dinner (currently £2.10). All children eat together in the school dining hall enabling them to sit with their friends, whether they have a packed lunch or a school dinner. School dinners can be paid for daily with monies given to the class teacher in a sealed named envelope or via the school office.

Reception & Year 1 lunchtime runs from 11.45 – 12.50.
Year 2 & 3 lunchtime runs from 12.00 – 1.05.

Year 4, 5 & 6 lunchtime runs from 12.25 – 1.30.

© 2016 by Sticklepath School.

Nikki Rostock (School Business Manager)     T: 01271 342455     E:
Sticklepath Community School, Woodville, Barnstaple, Devon EX31 2HH

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