Sport at Sticklepath
In addition to the two hours of timetabled PE and activities, extra-curricular sports clubs are offered to all children throughout their time at school. Although children take part in these activities for enjoyment, we feel they play an important part in the education of a child. Commitment, perseverance and working together as a team are all important life skills. Children take part in sport in two ways. First they are taught skills within their PE lessons and secondly they can opt to join in one of the many sports clubs that are on offer both throughout the year after school and lunch times. Swimming is part of the curriculum in Yr2/3/4. Daily ‘Take Ten’ activities are held every morning from Yr1 upwards.
Children in Yr 6 are offered the chance to partake in a five day residential trip to Dartmoor in the summer term. The children get a chance to experience hiking, climbing, caving, team building activities and learn fundamental independence skills. The school competes in district competitions and in Sainsbury School Games events. It is the aim, where possible, to have representative teams in all of the local competitions with our partner primary schools. We are very proud to be involved with the Park School Sports Partnership. This provides us with an abundant calendar of festivals, experiences and competitions.
We are able to offer other central venue sports with the opportunity to practice and play against other teams in football, netball, cricket and rounders. Sticklepath School has achieved great success in the past at
inter-school sports. Our trophy shelves are full of awards for athletics, cross country, aquathons and gymnastics. We have qualified for county finals and produced county athletes, swimmers, tennis players, gymnasts and cyclists.
Sport is an important part of life at Sticklepath. We want to inspire all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities.
We provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
Sport is a key activity for young minds