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Our School Governors


Sticklepath’s Governing Body is experienced across a range of relevant areas including local government, police, safeguarding, education, construction, finance, local churches and small businesses. Together with the added perspective of parent-governors, this knowledge is brought to bear in support of the Head teacher and the school – being careful to maintain the necessary separation of roles between governance and management – being rigorous in challenge and wholehearted in support. Several of the Governors attended the school and all are committed to the locality.


The Governors usually meet termly, as a full board, but have two main committees and lead governors for specific areas:

1. Teaching and Learning

School Improvement
Special Needs
Community and Parent Links

2. Resources
Health and Safety


Mark Rostock
Co-opted Governor

Resources Committee
Occupation – Managing Director - Business - Just Office

FA Coach Mentor
Head Coach Plymouth Argyle North Devon Centre of Excellence
Coach Fremington Youth FC

David Mansell
Chair of Governors
Parent Governor
Resources & Pay Committee
Occupation – National Westminster Bank

Georgia Newman
Co-opted Governor
Teaching and Learning Committee
Occupation – Sticklepath Community School

Andrew Pierce
Foundation Governor
Teaching and Learning Committee, Resources Committee, Pupil Discipline Committee

Designated Safeguarding Governor
Occupation – Retired Detective Superintendent, Occasional consultancy in own name related to former employment

Other voluntary role as Independent Chair Safeguarding Commission RC Dicese of Plymouth from December 2016

Sam Warner
Headteacher Governor
Teaching and Learning Committee
Resources Committee
Occupation – Headteacher at Sticklepath Community School

Three Valleys Learning Partnership, Co-operative Trust

Joanne Byrne

Parent Governor

Teaching and Learning Committee

Pupil Discipline Committee

Occupation – Petroc College

Rev Guy Chave-Cox

Co-opted Governor

Teaching and Leaning Committee

Headteacher Appraisal Committee

Occupation - Vicar - St Paul's Church, Adult Education Partnership, Diocese of Exeter, Bishop's Diocesan Council, Exeter Diocesan Board of Finance

Richard Blunt
Co-opted Governor

Teaching & Learning Committee

Occupation - Sticklepath Community School

David Desmond Brailey MBE (Des)

Local Authority Governor

North Devon Council, Fremington & Tawstock Parish Council

Joanne Down
Vice Chair of Governors
Resources & Pay Committee

Teaching and Learning Committee
Headteacher Appraisal Committee
Occupation – Petroc College

David Smith
Associate Governor

Resources Committee
Occupation – Self Employed

Mark Joslin
Parent Governor

Resources Committee
Occupation – National Westminster Bank

Terry Whiterod

Parent Governor
Teaching & Learning Committee

Headteacher Appraisal Committee
Occupation – Local Aerospace & Industrial Business

Rita Sampson
Foundation Governor

Teaching & Learning Committee

Pay Committee
Occupation – Lecturer, Petroc College

Gay Karczmarz
Staff Elected Governor

Resources Committee
Occupation – HLTA at Sticklepath Community School

Matthew Anderson
Parent Governor

Teaching & Learning Committee
Occupation – Great Torrington School

Sarah Simpson
Associate Governor

Teaching & Learning Committee
Occupation – Devon County Council

The Governors see Sticklepath Community School as a place of improvement where and are keen to continue the journey towards excellence, meeting the needs of our locality as a place of education but also as a wider facility to the community. In doing so the school is open to all, while ensuring the school is a safe environment for children and others that are vulnerable.


Over recent years the Governors have played a major part in the improvements that have been made to the school building. This has helped make it a comfortable happy environment for the children to learn and develop in.


Being a Parent Governor at Sticklepath is about being part of a whole school team that want the best for all the children at our school. The rewards come in seeing happy enthusiastic children enjoying their school.

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